Link Search Menu Expand Document

Character Properties

Ink.js reads objects and creates HTML elements out of them. Here are the possible properties.

type (not required) : This specifies the type of character. If the type is an image, add a “source” property including the URL.
html: This is the html code for the character. Example: html: "<p>hi</p>"

name input example
x int x: 0
y int y: 0
width int width: 50
height int height: 100
selectable bool selctable: false
onclick func onclick: ()=>{alert('ouch!')}
onmouseover func onmouseover: ()=>{alert('hi!')}
mousedown func mousedown: ()=>{alert('hello!')}
mouseup func mouseup: ()=>{alert('bye!')}
visible bool vivsible : false
color str color: 'blue' (use CSS)
backgorund str background: 'red' (use CSS)
rotation int rotate: 90
style obj style = { border : "1px solid black"}